victim of the devil's covenant

This is the true story that happened in my city R, the name and address I deliberately disguised for the convenience of life in question.

just call Kartono, he is a young man, about 23 years old, everyday he is only a pelvis at the grocery store in the city of R, working from 7 until

evening, can be postponed to support his daily life, Tempoe Dahoeloe is also a lot of rich, only a few are seen to be established, including Ny.Suharti

Mrs .Suharti is the Kartono boss, fierce but cold, has almost 3 branches of a grocery store in the city of R, glittering gold adorns jewelry from rings, to the tub, like the jewelery shop you want to sell,

Kartono only worked for about 3 months, he entered and worked there as a previous friend who was none other than his own neighbor who had previously worked for Ny. Suharti for more than 1 year, who was suddenly repaired during lunch time at Ny. Suharti's grocery store.

the day he lived, he proposed to be a pelvis employee, from morning to evening and so on, until one day ...

during lunch time given by his employer, the day felt different from the usual, it was easy to make a choke, had a large fold of drinking water offered by his friends to reduce the feeling of choking, not even eliminate unpleasant, choking feeling increasingly made, to make complicated friendsKartono was swayed and fainted, he was brought to the nearest health center to get the help that made him feel faint, but different, the puskesmas stated that Kartono was lifeless, Innalillahi ...

A friend of mine was surprised, while still unable to accept the fact that his friends were just choking, Allah knows best ... Allah Almighty took his life from anywhere, so one of his friends murmured as he mourned at the funeral home ,
Kartono was awakened by being kicked by a tall and black figure, he was bent by a figure he had never known before to be called,

"Get up .. !!" come with me ...... !!! "As he yelled, he dragged Kartono's feet somewhere, a place that had never been known before, there were no trees, all reddish.

"Is this in the hereafter?" he wondered, eager for him to ask who was dragging him but he undermined the reason he did not want to look face that was scary and cruel

during the trip he saw several types of people passing by looking tired, like someone working either carrying something, there were those who were pulling the train, some were always mopping the floor, there were also those who were challenging lying down in front of the lavatories just to be loyal, somea bunch of people who are cambuk'i to bleed, some are looking for women who are looking to serve the lust of the devil / demon
Kartono was given the task of cleaning a toilet (toilet / toilet), a latrine with a strange shape, he had never seen latrines so favored, he worked from morning to night, ate only once and even if he didn't want rice, maggots , but an orangutanthe one there is desperately neededhe was just upset and realized that all this time he had been victimized by his employer who was none other than himself.

7 days ago he worked there, everyone who worked there was silent and silent, no one talked while asking this, there was no where he saw about what had been announced before, more did not believe he came, people he knew the same, same as the employee Ny. suharti. the neighbor serves as a doorman, eager for Kartono to greet him but what power, he is always watched by a large figure who is ready to whip mercilessly anytime.

kartono then remembered that he could read ayat kursiy, it was the only memorization he could get, which he got when he was studying in his childhood,

Read the ayat ayat, then blur ...! a dazzling glimmer of white outside ...

kartono woke up, looked around the lush trees, he realized that he had moved nature, puja and he was grateful to Allah who had saved from the grip of slavery or

even hurriedly colonized by the Company,


Arrived at home ...

---------------—————————————————————————————————————— ------- one by one

the village was immediately excited, it was very crowded, many people from both neighboring and neighboring villages flocked

Kartono's tomb ties that he had previously buried were approved by the village head and the local cleric ustadz

in dig ...

Masha Allah ...! Allah is the Greatest ..! people bertakbir accompanied by cries of some people who believe more people he saw in the cemetery hole that was excavated was PELEPAH PISANG (banana tree trunk)


Ny suharti's residence in the residents, insults and insults were thrown out so that the atmosphere of the moment was heavy, it felt tense, with tight police escorts and the village government in the face of Mrs. suharti who usually looks frightened suddenly becomes a face of difficulty, escorted and led tothe police station to account for all his actions---------------—————————————————————————————————————— ———————according to the news released by the detainee, one month later, Nyuharti passed suddenly in the prison, according to the statement of the selection of one detainee with the previous one. Suharti suddenly choked and died, either died real or was taken to another world such as the falloutanother, you know.---------------------------

Can you believe it is not permissible, I am only a connoisseur of the story.  :)
And for those of you who do pesugihan by releasing your child / siblings, are you not accepted?
The story above is a true story and was also included in REAL tabloit, HIDAYAH magazine

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